Our company has a certified quality management system according to PN-EN ISO 9001 which proves we meet international requirements related to proper managing.
Our customers are the largest players in the tobacco products distribution industry as well as many retail chains. We are happy to take part in prestigious tobacco products fairs in Cracow, Dortmund, Prague, Paris, London, Dubai or Las Vegas.
Del-Vis is a manufacturer of cigarette tubes and acetate filters. We also offer tobacco accessories.
Since 2003, we have been doing all we can to meet the requirements of our customers. We have received many prestigious awards for our work, however, we are constantly trying to raise the bar and set ourselves new goals. Our cigarette tubes work best with Golden Filter tobaccos.
Our offer includes different types of cigarette tubes, from ecological, through menthol, classical, to cigarette tubes with flavour capsules.
We also manufacture highest quality acetate filters and provide a range of cigarette accessories, such as cigarette tissue paper, rollers, fillers or gas lighter refills.
Del-Vis Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mostowa 34a
87-162 Lubicz
NIP: 879-24-70-144
REGON: 340120169
tel./fax : +48 56 678 21 42
mail: biuro@goldenfilter.pl